Skills: Writing, Speaking, Listening
Level: Elementary
Recommended Age: 16+
Number of Participants: 4-12 players
Time: 20-30 minutes
Place: Classroom
Equipment: Not required
Materials: Not required
Preliminary Preparation: Not required
Immediate Preparation: (10-15 minutes).
1. If possible, arrange the game participants so that they are sitting in a circle or a semi-circle.
2. Tell each player to make a list of ten objects, which they would put in a time capsule to give descendants an idea about life in the 2010s. Allow the students a reasonable amount of time for completing this task. While they are writing, circulate, monitor and assist, if necessary.
How to Play. When everyone has finished, bring the class to order. A typical game might start something like this:
Player А: Is there a smartphone in your lists?
Players С, D, F, G: Yes, there is.
Player A gets five points by the number of students, who have included this item on their lists. Besides, all of them cross out this word from their lists.
Player В: Is there a mat for yoga in your lists?
If nobody answers, Player В gets one point.
and so on around this circle.
The game continues as long as all the lists have been read aloud. At the end of the activity, the number of points, accumulated by each participant during the whole competition, is counted up. The player, who gets the most points in total, becomes the winner of the game.