English Games for Middle School


Subject: Food + Listening


Skills: Listening, Writing, Speaking

Level: Elementary

Recommended Age: 12+

Number of Participants: 6-12 players, preferably even

Time: 15-25 minutes

Place: Classroom

Equipment: Not required

Materials: Not required.

Preliminary Preparation (5-10 minutes).

1. Write out 10 fruit and 10 vegetables, known by all the students in the class.

2. Make the overall list of these words in alphabetical order. It might look something like this:


apple, banana, beetroot, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, cucumber, garlic, lemon, melon, onion, orange, peach, pear, pineapple, plum, potato, pumpkin, tomato, watermelon.


Immediate Preparation (2-3 minutes). Divide the participants of the game into two groups as the following: 

Group 'Fruit': Players A, C, E, etc.

Group 'Vegetables': Players B, D, F, etc.

How to Play. Before starting the competition, explain to the students that they are going to hear the list of fruit and vegetables. In their notebooks, the 'Fruit' group must write down only fruit, the 'Vegetables' group do only vegetables. When you sure that the players understand the task, begin to dictate your list at normal speaking speed. After fininshing the dictation twice, Player A reads out the first word from their list. You and other players of the 'Fruit' group cross this word out from your lists. Then Player C reads out their word and so on. The player, who names the last fruit, becomes the first finalist of the game. If there are more fruit left on your list, you read them out for self-control of the players. Next you follow the same procedure for the 'Vegetables' group and determine the second finalist. In order to become the 'greengrocer', the finalists exchange the vocabulary categories and take it in turns to say corresponding words. If the last word is said by the first finalist, they win the game. If it is said by the second finalist, they should say one more word to become the 'greengrocer'.