Outdoor Games in English


Subject: Geometric shapes


Skills: Listening

Level: Elementary

Recommended Age: 10-12 y.o.

Number of Participants: 6-12 players, preferably even

Time: 20-30 minutes

Place: Asphalt or sand playground

Equipment: Not required

Materials: Two sticks of chalk or wood

Preliminary Preparation: Not required

Immediate Preparation (5-10 minutes).

1. Draw two rectangles of approximately 2 m high and 3 m wide at one end of the playground.

2. Draw a starting line at the other end and ask the children to stand behind it.

3. Before starting the competition, you might need to preteach the new vocabulary. To that end, draw geometric shapes in front of the starting line and write their names. After that, introduce the shapes to the students.

4. Divide the game participants into two groups of (roughly) equal size and ask each team to stand in a column.

5. Provide the front players of the teams with the sticks, which also serve as batons.

How to Play. To start the competition, you give the participants a command to draw one of the geometric shapes on their 'carpets', e.g.: 'Draw a circle!'. Upon hearing this, the front players run to their ‘carpets’ and draw a circle on them. After returning, they hand the sticks to the next players in their columns and stand at the back of the column. Then you give another command, e.g.: 'Draw a triangle!' and so on. You can repeat the words as many times as you wish. The winner of the game is the team, which is the first to finish the relay race in the case of their correct drawing the shapes. Otherwise, the victory is awarded to the other team.