Topics for Discussion


1.  What's your favourite sport?

2.  What sport do you hate?

3.  Are you mostly a sport watcher or a doer?

4.  Should everyone practice sport?

5.  Who’s your favourite athlete?

6.  What qualities must a professional sportsperson have?

7.  Should children be trained hard?

8.  What makes a good trainer?

9.  Do you know all the rules of your favourite sport?

10.  Do you prefer watching sports live or on TV?

11.  Do you prefer watching sports alone or with somebody?

12.  What do you think about sports bars?

13.  How do you feel about sports fans?

14.  What do you think about extreme sports?

15.  How do you feel about gambling on sports events?

16.  What are the advantages for a country to hold sport competitions?

17.  What are the disadvantages for a country to hold sport competitions?

18.  What would life be like without sport?