Outdoor English Language Games

Soup & Compote

Subject: Food

Skills: Writing

Level: Elementary

Recommended Age: 10-12 y.o.

Number of Participants: 2-12 players, preferably even

Time: 15-20 minutes

Place: Asphalt playground

Equipment: Not required

Materials: Two pieces of chalk

Preliminary Preparation: Not required

Immediate Preparation (7-10 minutes).

1. Draw two saucepans measuring approximately 1 m by 1 m.

2. Divide the participants into two groups of (roughly) equal size.

3. Provide each team with the chalks.

How to Play. Before starting the competition, explain to the children that, working together, the players of Team A are going to ‘cook soup in its saucepan’, i.e. to write names of vegetables in their form. At the same time, the players of Team B must ‘cook compote’, i.e. write names of fruit in their form. At the end of the activity, the number of correct words, written by each team during the competition, is counted up. The team, which ‘puts more ingredients in its saucepan’, becomes the winner of the game.

Variation. In order to make the task a bit more difficult and competitive, you may wish to set a time limit (from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the level of the students).