Icebreaker Games for English Classes


Subject: Alphabet + Ordinal numbers


This game is designed specially for helping you and your new students to learn and memorize their names as well as to get them to know better in first lessons.

Skills: Speaking, Listening

Level: Beginner

Recommended Age: 8-10 y.o.

Number of Participants: 6-10 players

Time: 15-20 minutes

Place: Classroom

Equipment: A black- or whiteboard

Materials: A piece of chalk or a marker

Preliminary Preparation: Not required

Immediate Preparation: (5-7 minutes). Ask the players to take it in turns to give and spell out their names. As they do this, you write their names on the board.   

How to Play. To start the game, you give the players a command to line up in accordance with the alphabetical order of the first letters of their names. After that, they count off like this: 'I'm the first pilot!', 'I'm the second pilot!' and so on. As the players do this, you assign them with the numbers 1, 2, etc. and put these fugures next to the corresponding names on the board. If there are namesakes in the class, the second one says, e.g.: 'I'm the third pilot, too!' and you write the same figure next to their name. Then ask the players to line up in accordance with the length of their names. After that, they renumber and you add the new figures to the old ones. In the third round, you ask the players about the months of their birth. They should memorize each other's data and line up in accordance with the numbers of the months. In the forth round, the players line up in accordence with the days of their birth (not birthdays!). Finally, you ask the players about the years of their birth and they line up by seniority. Each time you add only the numbers, said by the players themselves! At the end of the game, the numbers on the board are counted up line by line. The player, who gets the most points in total, becomes the 'capitain of the crew'.